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Healthcare Financial Trade Organization
Leading healthcare trade association for CFOs seeking to help automate health equity compliance reporting

Client Challenge
Hospital CFOs are facing an overwhelming challenge related to health equity mandates from various sources. The compliance tracking and reporting requirements are expensive and complex, creating an intractable challenge for most health systems. These required mandates are coming from the IRS, American Hospital Association, and CMS.gov, among others. While the reports are distinct, they share a common need for rich public health and socioeconomic data intersected with internal information.
EQ Solution
Through the Healthcare trade association, hospital CFOs will gain easy, cost effective access to public health data they need to create and publish these reports across the various regulatory bodies. This access will enable hospitals to more effectively manage risk and align teams to improve outcomes for black patients, such as infant mortality rates that can be 50% higher for infants and 20% in adults.
A dashboard that optimizes decision making
Explore impact of major illnesses
Evaluate how the community’s most significant challenges across major disease categories and the differences by race.

Integrate environmental impact
Compare how crime and safety are impacting different parts of the community and how they might correlate to patient demands and outcomes that need to be addressed in different ways.
Segment by insurance access
Understand how health insurance coverage differs across races and how that impacts socioeconomic outcomes for the community and financial performance for the hospital.

Turn insights into action and impact!

Understand equity metrics
of patients vs. broader community define gaps, improvement areas.

Map & define goals
related to people, process, tech, collaboration with community.

Automate reporting
to compliance orgs and stakeholders, track progress dynamically.