Health Equity + Equity Quotient
No more offline spreadsheets. Collect community data, access rich public sources, and integrate your data to automate Community Health Needs Assessments.
Everything. In One Place.

No more searching for data. Or copy and pasting data from speadsheets. And never worry about a reporting deadline again. With Equity Quotient, you can leverage the latest technology to increase the capabilities of your teams and better serve the community.
We have everything you need. In a single platform.

Save Time. Save Money.
Free up critical budget dollars by automating data collection, integration, and analytics, focusing teams on higher value activities.
Public Health Dashboard

Automated Reporting
Automate reporting across multiple mandates (IRS, AHA, CMS+) to manage risk, save time and money
Data Integration
Benchmark current state, set goals, align cross-functional teams, and dynamically track performance over time. Compare peer regions to inform risk, explore opportunity analysis, and set goals.