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Business Services

Explore our Case Studies:
National Accounting Firm
National accounting firm lacks standardized, quantitative ESG S framework and automated tooling for annual audits

Client Challenge
Head of ESG/DEI for a national accounting firm has incorporated ESG into its broader auditing processes but lacks a standardized, quantitative, and automated approach for measuring the S to understand risk. Furthermore, they need concrete data to report materiality and advise on disclosures to Board Audit Committees.
EQ Solution
EQ’s rich data platform populated by public and private data sources and AI-powered analytics provide a standardized platform for quickly evaluating company risk related to S or stakeholder portfolios (employees, suppliers, customers, community). The platform provides GAAP level objectivity and efficacy in a way that is feasible for all clients as part of a broader engagement.
A dashboard that optimizes decision making
Manage risk
Demographic alignment calculations derive standard deviation across stakeholders –employees, suppliers, customers, community–to show if firm is becoming more or less aligned with the community over time.

Explore actionable insights
Automated recommendations generated by AI-powered analytics provide robust starting point for disclosures.
Automate audit reporting
Accounting firms must automate as much as possible to achieve speed required and keep costs in check, particularly in the face of growing compliance mandates and complexity.

Turn insights into action and impact!

Run compliance audits
to automatically calculate demographic alignment, S in ESG risk, and impact metrics.

Detail disclosures
based on automated guidance from EQ’s AI analytics.

Establish controls
to improve risk posture related to stakeholder impact.