Say hello to EQ – an AI-powered SaaS technology platform that delivers data and analytics to companies to help them unlock growth and drive stakeholder impact.

Here’s what you’ll be able to do with EQ:

  • Access rich diversity data from public and private sector sources.
  • Discover deep diversity insights using a customizable dashboard.
  • Compare and benchmark your goals to the community you serve.
  • Shape outcomes and unlock growth using actionable insights.

EQ uses AI to highlighting business risk and growth opportunities for companies. Customers can simply choose a region, industry, and other demographic variables and discover diversity insights at a national, state, or county level.

Organizations will be able to see from a demographic standpoint how they compare to their community and region and benchmark and measure their initiatives and impact. They will save time and money by streamlining ESG reporting across cross-functional teams and stakeholders to make their initiatives and investing more impactful. See how it works.